Wednesday 27 November 2013

Young children of Mt Carmel Orphanage in Haiti Acquire Guidance From Heaven's Family
Young children of Mt Carmel Orphanage in Haiti Acquire Guidance From Heaven's Family
The children of Mt. Carmel Orphanage in Haiti have received their fresh water from the same well over the last 26 years. This well has faithfully met all of the drinking, bathing, and cooking needs of the children while also helping some of their poor neighbors with their drinking water. The well has had to work even harder since the earthquake in Haiti in 2010 when the demand for fresh water increased as the orphanage took on a surge of new orphans.

Unfortunately in March of 2013 the well started producing less water and Pastor Geodany Joseph, the director at Mt. Carmel knew that some type of immediate action needed to be taken. There weren't many options for Mr. Carmel since the next closest source of water was contaminated and too far away.

The most viable option for the orphanage was to create a cistern to collect fresh rainwater that could be used for their needs. With the rainy season soon to be upon them they realized they lacked the funds for a project such as this. Fortunately Heaven's Family was able to provide emergency help to the orphans of Mt. Carmel. Paster Geondancy had contacted them earlier and received an immediate response from the Safe Water Fund director letting them know that the money was on the way.

Digging for the cistern begain immediately and the new rainwater collection system was ready precisely on time when the rainy season started. The newly built cistern is able to hold 4,800 gallons of fresh water that is collected from the rain coming off of a roof from the orphanage. The abundant rainfall has enabled the new cistern to remain 75% full of fresh water giving the children of Mt. Carmel all the water they need for their daily needs.

More information on the Safe Water Fund from Heavens Family can be found here

About: Heaven's Family is a focused fund put together by Christian believers who believe that those that are blessed more should share those blessing with others in need who have less. The Focused Funds serve poor Christians experiencing natural disasters, persecution, hunger, and unsafe water while additionally focusing on the needs of orphans, widows, and the physically handicapped.

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