Friday 14 November 2014

The End of the Search for a Real Vitiligo Cure
The End of the Search for a Real Vitiligo Cure
There was a very suspicious figure moving about the aisles. The proprietor watched him carefully because he was showing all the signs of a troublemaker. It absolutely was puzzling however, because he turned away from people but his face was caught by every camera.

Mind you it was hard to see his facial area what with the hood pulled around it and the collar of his jacket pulled up. Perhaps thought Mister Hussein, he had stolen something already or perhaps that's a gun he's holding within his pocket. The shopkeeper was busy with other customers but the owner still kept an eye on the young man.

Soon one of the customers ran into him head on and her expression registered a look of shock which she could not restrain. Then the nuisance stood in one spot for a long time while his shoulders shook. He Had been standing there for a while but keeping an eye on the other customers by slightly turning his head once in a while.

The owner could not work out what he was doing standing in one spot by the motor oil. After all he did not have a car with him as he has walked in from the street not the pumps. This was one of Mister Hussein's gifts, he knew where all his clients were at any time, it was as if he could see everywhere, even out on the street.

He maintained his observation carefully as only recently the shop and pumps had been attacked and a young assistant hurt. Because of this Mister Hussein on his own made sure he took the quiet hours when this sort of thing can happen.

It was getting late in the evening when there weren't any customers when the young man moved towards the check out. It was then that the owner noticed the long tresses and saw the delicate features of a young woman but a young woman damaged by an awful affliction.

It was as the light caught her skin that Mister H saw the tell-tale patches of a very recognisable skin complaint. He saw her natural pigmentation was dark which further made the depigmented patches stand out.

She caught his stare and stared back as she paid for her cigerettes.

It only took a moment for him to explain to her why he was gazing; that there was the skin complaint, vitiligo, in his family until they'd come across a seemingly miraculous cure. He assured her that this was no hoax but this Recell cure helped the body heal its skin by changing the depigmented cells with a selection of their own healthy cells so that the pale patches were replaced naturally. After listening to him quietly she left the shop with her angry expression changed to one of relief and hope.

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