Thursday 11 September 2014

Wildlands Camouflage - The Most Effective 3D Pattern Yet
Wildlands Camouflage - The Most Effective 3D Pattern Yet
As hunters we take choosing the most effective camouflage pattern very seriously. We rely on effective camouflage to break down our outline helping us blend into the background and become invisible. The choice of camo we use is one of the most important factors in hunting, which in turn, hopefully leads to a successful days shoot!

The human eye posseses an advanced sense of vision, especially where colour is concerned. Many birds struggle to distinguish between colours but most of them can however detect ultraviolet light. Birds can also see much further than us; some of the raptors, as well as having much better night vision than us, can literally see for miles

With this knowledge, some camouflage manufacturers now produce a range of bright orange camo patterns. As already mentioned the birds will not be able to distinguish the orange from any other colour. This style of camo has the added advantage of allowing humans to easily spot you, acting as a great safety aid. However, regardless of the colour, to be an effective camo, the pattern will still need to break up your outline.

Many hunters still feel more comfortable using natural camo colours, allowing them to blend into the surrounding countryside so choosing the right camouflage is essential for a successful hunt. The question is, what do you want from your camouflage? This, obviously depends, on the type of activity you are involved in, tracking through greenery or waiting in hides. The weather of course, and the season, is all important to a hunter both from the point of the quarry he is after and the equipment he needs.

Autumns in the UK, because of the high proportion of deciduous trees and shrubs, tend to be more golden browns and greens. Spring, on the other hand is a joy of light and lime greens and then summer is more lush, dark greens. Which ever colour you choose it still comes down to having an effective camo pattern to break your outline against the natural surrounding foliage.

For all year round camo, the Wildlands design is the perfect example, having a 3D pattern which looks effective to the human eye and will be equally as effective to any game birds. Wildlands camo design is very much based on stubble and reed. Stubble and reed tends to predominately be light shades of brown, straw or green. This makes the Wildlands camo an ideal choice for wild fowling in the wetlands.

Most equipment can be found with a variety of patterns on outer clothing for summer or winter, as well as on all the attachments, such as bags& gun slips. The most popular items in these designs are the hunter's jackets with matching hunter's trousers. As, at almost any time of year, English fields will be made up of a general collection of stubble, reed, dry grasses and woodland, a good 3D camo in light fawn, browns and yellow will make the best choice of camouflage.

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